Install Percona Server 5.7 MySQL on Ubuntu, CentOS or Debian


In this series I am going to cover Percona Server, XtraDB Cluster and XtraBackup Toolkit.

Percona Server is a dropin replacement for MySQL server with extra features and stability. It runs more consistently while providing extra engines and improved scalability.

Key features that are available in Percona Server:

XtraDB - It provides better query performance with just switching from InnoDB. Built on top of InnoDB, provides backwards compatibility and theres no migration process.

PAM Authentication - This can be very useful for enterprise grade solutions or integrating with other systems.

Dropin compatibility - You can upgrade from MySQL without any changes to your schema or code.

Operation Metrics - Percons Server provides a number of builtin metrics that will allow you to improve your schema, giving you better understanding of how your users, tables, queries and indexes are performing.


  • Fresh server with with 1GB Ram
  • Debian 7.0, 8.0, 9.0
  • Ubuntu 14.04, 16.04, 17.04
  • CentOS 6 or 7
  • All commands needs to be executed as root user or using sudo command

Installing from repositories:

While Percona provide Sources and Binary distributions of all their software, its best to use repositories instead. This method will resolve all software dependencies trough the Operating System package manager (apt for Debian and Ubuntu, yum for CentOS) and provide easy way to apply updates and security patches.

Ubuntu and Debian Steps:
  1. First we will download repository package from Persona:
wget$(lsb_release -sc)_all.deb

download repository

  1. Install the downloaded package with dpkg utility:
dpkg -i percona-release_0.1-4.$(lsb_release -sc)_all.deb

instal package

  1. Update the local cache:
apt-get update
  1. And finally install the Percona server package:
apt-get install percona-server-server-5.7

installation screenconfigurationfinished installation screen

  1. Install the user defined functions UDF:

Provide the root password you've typed during the install process at the previous step.

To avoid the software from being upgrade from distribution repositories we will pin the package, to do so we need to create a new file /etc/apt/preferences.d/00percona.pref and save the following content in it:

Package: *
Pin: release o=Percona Development Team
Pin-Priority: 1001
CentOS Steps
  1. Start by downloading and installing the repository package from Percona
yum install

centos steps

  1. To make sure its properly installed we will list the package we are about to install with the following command:
yum list | grep Percona-Server-57

yum list

You should see listing that indicates the available version from repository percona-release-x86_64 or percona-release-x86 depending on the architecture you are installing on.

  1. The final step is to install the package by running:
yum install Percona-Server-server-57

Note that the default password will be generated automatically, you can check yours by running:

grep "temporary password" /var/log/mysqld.log

The package manager will ask you to confirm the new repository key and to accept the packages to be installed.

package manager

Configuring and starting the server

For Ubuntu and Debian distributions the default data directory is /var/lib/mysql. The configuration is stored in /etc/mysql/my.cnf.

CentOS has the same data directory /var/lib/mysql by default and the configuration file is in /etc/my.cnf.

The server comes with the usual init.d scripts to allow you to start, restart or stop it. By default, on Debian and Ubuntu, it should start automatically once installed, unless it encountered an error. You can still start it by running:

service mysql start

To confirm its running you can use:

service mysql status

You can stop the server with:

service mysql stop

And restart it by running:

service mysql restart

Connect Percona Server 5.7 and test it

Next we will connect the server, create new database, a simple schema and run a couple of queries.

  1. Connect to mysql server, you need to supply the password that you chose during the install process:

mysql -p

  1. Create new database:
  1. Let's create a table:
use testdb;
    Id int NOT NULL,
    Name varchar(255),
    Email varchar(255),
    Note varchar(255),
  1. Inserting and selecting from the table:
INSERT INTO Users (Id, Name, Email, Note)
VALUES (1, 'John Doe', '', 'Test User');

And to retrieve the records, we need to execute:

  1. Once we are done playing, lets drop that testdb.

You can exit mysql prompt with CTRL+D or commando quit;

Create new user, database and grant permissions

Let's create new database, a user and grant that user permissions to that database. For this example we will create user jeff and his database will be called blog.

  1. Connect mysql server. Provide the root password you've entered during the installation:

mysql -p

  1. Create database by running

create database

  1. Add new user, limited to access from localhost with password mysecretone.
CREATE USER 'jeff'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'mysecretone';

create user

  1. Grant user jeff all permissions on that database.
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON blog.* TO 'jeff'@'localhost';


  1. Finally we need to reload the privileges to make sure or changes are applied.

flush privileges

You can exit mysql prompt with CTRL+D or commando quit;

  1. Testing our newly created user:
mysql -u jeff -pmysecretone

Once authenticated as jeff we will switch to our new database:

use blog;

use blog


In under 15 minutes we went trough the installation process of Percona Server 5.7 and created new user for use in your application. This can give immediate improvement over using MySQL Server with very little effort.